Chapter 12 (part 3)
Cobalt Dragon: I just brought an archaic thing that was made last month..
Boomerang Flash: XD
Boomerang Flash: what? How did SHE get here?
Sato-shi: I dunno...
Ash: She's been stalking me for 5 years now....
Boomerang Flash: I spent 15 years searching for my Sabre Fang.
Cobalt Dragon: I lived for 18 years
Boomerang Flash: (I am actually 11 years old)
Cobalt Dragon: he went on a 4 year pre-birth adventure
Boomerang Flash: XD
Boomerang Flash: using my MIND to search for the damn thing
Boomerang Flash: only to find out now that those 3 KIDS had it.
Boomerang Flash: XD
Misty: I love Kasumi...
Boomerang Flash: ARRGH a LEZ!!!!!
Sato-shi: uh.... Misty.... I thought YOU were Kasumi....
Boomerang Flash: Yeah, same.
Misty: I am
Boomerang Flash: then why do you love YOURSELF? a narcissistic girl!!!!!!!
Sato-shi: She probably gives herself the finger....
Misty: Narcissism is my middle name sweet-ay *winks*
Boomerang Flash: eh!?
Misty: Why the hell do you think I go on about myself in the anime huh?
Boomerang Flash: XD
Sato-shi: She’s got a point....
Ash: She has a pointy? I have a pointy too! *Ash Flashes*
Misty: I want to be the world's best everything!
Boomerang Flash: o.o||
Cobalt Dragon: even the worlds best guy? worlds best idiot? worlds best hobo?
Misty: YES!
Boomerang Flash: even best prostitute?! XD
Sato-shi: That is disturbing....
Misty: yeah! wanna be my first client?
Boomerang Flash: but she did say she wants to be the best EVERYTHING.
Boomerang Flash: NO WAY!
Cobalt Dragon: *misty winks at rang flash*
Boomerang Flash: o.o||
Boomerang Flash: I have the temptation to slay her. Now.
Fat Buu: *Turns Misty into the worlds best Candy*
Cobalt Dragon: *CD puts misty away*
Boomerang Flash: XD
Cobalt Dragon: I'll keep misty for the time being
Boomerang Flash: lol
Cobalt Dragon: BUU GO TO HELL!
Cobalt Dragon: turn Satan into candy and eat him
Boomerang Flash: lol
Cobalt Dragon: Misty is so darn right awesome
Cobalt Dragon: But no one beats Jessie!
Boomerang Flash: No one beats MAY.
Cobalt Dragon: MAY is a newbie
Boomerang Flash: I mean, May.
Cobalt Dragon: newbies are annoying... I’ll give her time
Boomerang Flash: shut up.
Sato-shi: May may be a newbie.... but the reason for that is that it takes time to create perfection....
Boomerang Flash: XD
Cobalt Dragon: that's the reason for everything
Cobalt Dragon: Meh... May already has so many admirers.. I don't need to be one!
Boomerang Flash: ...T_T
Cell: Did someone say Perfection?
Cobalt Dragon: anyways she's too young
Boomerang Flash: o.o
Cobalt Dragon: she's only 10... I’m 18 go figure
Boomerang Flash: I'm 11.
Boomerang Flash: I'm no newbie.
Cobalt Dragon: yes that's why it's OK for you to like her
Boomerang Flash: I just said, I'm no newbie!
Cobalt Dragon: I didn't say May was a newbie because she is 10
Boomerang Flash: :--/
Cobalt Dragon: I said she is too young for moi
Boomerang Flash: Oh
Cobalt Dragon: May is cute
Boomerang Flash: yay/
Cell: (searching for Juunana-gou & Juuhachi-gou) Here Androids, Androids, Androids! Here Androids...
Cobalt Dragon: is Cell that Mewtwo-like dude?
Boomerang Flash: yeah.
Cobalt Dragon: the purple guy
Boomerang Flash: no
Cobalt Dragon: who looks like an old woman
Boomerang Flash: the Green and White
Cobalt Dragon: and talks like one too
Cobalt Dragon: oh.. don't know it
Sato-shi: Flash: XD
Cobalt Dragon: well they look similar
Boomerang Flash: XD
Sato-shi: Perfect AND Imperfect Cell are in this one
Cobalt Dragon: ooh creature from the black lagoon
Boomerang Flash: XD
Cobalt Dragon: what's the name of that purple guy?
Sato-shi: Freezer?
Boomerang Flash: Frieza
Cobalt Dragon: ah yes Freezer
Cobalt Dragon: and there was another
Boomerang Flash: no, not Freezer, Frieza.
Cobalt Dragon: Cooler I think
Boomerang Flash: XD
Cobalt Dragon: what's next? Esky?
Boomerang Flash: Eskimon
Cobalt Dragon: oh
Sato-shi: Frieza Family tree
Frieza Cooler
Boomerang Flash: OK
Cobalt Dragon: where's Eskimon?
Sato-shi: there is none
Cobalt Dragon: oh... dang you rang flash
Boomerang Flash: I just said.
Cobalt Dragon: oh
Cobalt Dragon: lol King Kold
Cobalt Dragon: that's real original
Cobalt Dragon: like Fire, Freezer and Thunder
Sato-shi: Kuri from Kuriza means Chestnut....
Boomerang Flash: b r b
Cobalt Dragon: OK
Sato-shi: Frieza first appeared in the DBZ Namek Saga.... King Kold first appeared in the DBZ Trunks Saga... Cooler first appeared in DBZ movie 5 (his first appearance in the series was the DBGT Super 17 Saga), Kuriza's first appearance was in Neko Majin Z
Boomerang Flash: ack
Cobalt Dragon: lol OK
Sato-shi: NEKO MAJIN Z!!!!
Boomerang Flash: OK...
Cobalt Dragon: ll
Boomerang Flash: are we drifting off-fic?
Sato-shi: uh... ya...
Boomerang Flash: and why is it called the Super Insane Fusion Battle (SIFB) when there are no battles?
Sato-shi: because the battle was in the early chapters...
Boomerang Flash: oh
Boomerang Flash: sorry
Boomerang Flash: but we really should get back on-fic
Cobalt Dragon: what did you show Ceres?
Cobalt Dragon: can you show me?
Boomerang Flash: My display pic.
Cobalt Dragon: what was it?
Boomerang Flash: They were my made up starters. Flarclaw, remember?
Cobalt Dragon: oh yeah
Misty: Since I am the best you must all pay attention to ME!!!
Cobalt Dragon: Misty!
Boomerang Flash: ...
Sato-shi: your not the best author
Boomerang Flash: Why should I?
Cobalt Dragon: who isn't?
Boomerang Flash: Because, Misty, you are NOT the best of everything because you whine a lot.
Cobalt Dragon: she's the best at whining!
Ash: She's a pretty good stalker....
Brock: & earpuller....
Cobalt Dragon: ah I see you gave Brock a brainwash
Boomerang Flash: XD
Waterflowers: AND LOSER!
Misty: That’s right!
Boomerang Flash: YEAH!
Meowth: That’s My line!!!
Boomerang Flash: XD]
Cobalt Dragon: Misty rocks
Cobalt Dragon: Meowth! YAY!
Boomerang Flash: Misty's hilarious.
Cobalt Dragon: Meowth? where is um... Jessie?
Meowth: I dunno....
James: *crossdressed as Jessie* Here I am!
Boomerang Flash: XD
Cobalt Dragon: James, go back to the mardi gra parade
Boomerang Flash: And bring back some souvenirs.
Jessie: Here I Am!
James: I have 1000 beads!
Boomerang Flash: o.o
Cobalt Dragon: Jessie! do your stuff!
Ash: Look! James is using his inflatable boobs!
Jessie: Quiet twerp, they're yours
Boomerang Flash: Really?
Boomerang Flash: Ash, you have inflatable boobs?
Ash: huh?
Cobalt Dragon: <off-fic>Sato, when do we forward our clocks an hour?</off-fic>
Sato-shi: <off-fic>I dunno... soon...</off-fic>
Boomerang Flash: hello?
Boomerang Flash: lets get CD back here
Boomerang Flash: ri?
*Cobalt Dragon has been added to the conversation.*
Sato-shi: He's bac
Sato-shi: yay!
Cobalt Dragon: what time is it?
Boomerang Flash: 1: 24 PM.
Boomerang Flash: right?
Sato-shi: 11:25.... by my watch....
Sato-shi: brb.... food....
Boomerang Flash: k
Cobalt Dragon: 11:25?? no way!
Boomerang Flash: lol
Sato-shi: what?
Sato-shi: AM
Boomerang Flash: help
Cobalt Dragon: my clock says 1:26 pm
Sato-shi: well... then it is fucked up
Cobalt Dragon: you sure?
Sato-shi: wait... no... I'm fucked up...
Boomerang Flash: lol
Cobalt Dragon: ...
Cobalt Dragon: so when do we forward an hour?
Sato-shi: wasn't it back?
Cobalt Dragon: umm.. I forgot
*Cobalt Dragon is confused*
Boomerang Flash: lol
Cobalt Dragon: ah yes
Cobalt Dragon: it's back
Boomerang Flash: lol
Cobalt Dragon: bugger
Misty: You will never be as confused as me!!! I am the best at being confused!!!
Psyduck: Psy?
Misty:... uh.... second best... XD
Boomerang Flash: lol...
Cobalt Dragon: *gives misty award for best confused human*
Boomerang Flash: Why is the only thing I say LOL
Cobalt Dragon: because... you lol
Cobalt Dragon: that's why
Misty: well I'm the best at lol!
Ash: are you the best cow?
Boomerang Flash: I am the best at LOL.
Misty: I've competed in all the tourneys
Boomerang Flash: oh yeah?
Ash: what about the Indigo League?
Boomerang Flash: that’s all the tourneys I competed in!
Boomerang Flash: LOFL = Laugh out fucking loud, LORFL = Laugh out really fucking loud
Misty: heh
Misty: Well I’m also the best at making up tourneys
Boomerang Flash: LOEFL = Laugh out extremely fucking loud, LOEERFL = laugh out extravagantly extremely fucking loud
Boomerang Flash: so? I AM.
Ash: Mom league!
Boomerang Flash: -_-
Misty: GHYHOABOTAD tourney
Misty: yeah!
Ash: Well then Misty.... you're not the best mom! or dad!
Ash: are you?
Misty: I won that 7 times in a row... and came back to life each time
Boomerang Flash: *rolls eyes* The EGARCABLOSMAPPFBFPT tourney!
Misty: I'm also the best at re-incarnation!
Misty: At least my tourneys mean something
Boomerang Flash: The Extremely Great ARC And BLO Super Martial Arts Power Punching Fucking Bastards from Pallet Town!
Misty: and make sense
Boomerang Flash: hah. Beat THAT, MISTY!
Cobalt Dragon: ARC and BLO appear
Misty: I'm the best mom!
Sato-shi: hey! I have a Map! Of Kanto & Johto!
Misty: and dad!
Boomerang Flash: I have a map of Hoenn.
Cobalt Dragon: I have a map of Cyare
Boomerang Flash: I have a map of Draconian Isles.
Cobalt Dragon: and Eiska (uncompleted)
Ash: if your the best mom & dad... then who are your children?
Cobalt Dragon: ARC we don't do no business in Pallet Town!
Boomerang Flash: XD
Misty: Well I could name them all.... but we'd be here all day!